The ISS Russian Segment utilization and countermeasures against biodeterioration of constructional materials and research equipment
- Paper number
- Author
Mrs. Svetlana Poddubko, Institute for Biomedical Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia
- Coauthor
Mrs. Natalia Novikova, Institute of Biomedical Problems (IBMP), Russia
- Coauthor
Dr. Igor Sorokin, S.P. Korolev Rocket and Space Corporation Energia, Russia
- Year
- Abstract
Eight years of human missions onboard the International Space Station (ISS) is sufficient period to identify existing environmental conditions on the ISS based on the accumulated experience of the crews, engineers, and biologists to reveal influence of this environment on the station utilization process, to make the adequate forecast of its change at increasing of the ISS operational capabilities. This paper will explore the features of the ISS as a scientific laboratory in space being simultaneously a habitat not only for human beings but also for numerous microorganisms delivered to the station by crews, inside of cargoes and research equipment. The most hazardous manifestations of their vital activity are biodeteriorations of ISS structural materials and spaceborne equipment, as well as adverse effect on crewmembers' health. The countermeasures are necessary in order to keep the station safe and reliable. It is obvious that quality of crew's work and, finally, efficiency of the ISS utilization depend on these actions also. The paper will consider the significance of prior experience collected on MIR orbiting station and associated with implementation of microbiological space experiments, development of station maintenance and habitat maintenance procedures, countermeasures against biological damages of hardware as well as preservation cleanliness of human environment. The paper will also look at changes in the concerned area being introduced on the Russian segment of the ISS. Ecological conditions onboard are considered as stable now when the integrated crew consists of three members. Procedures of their biological shielding are efficient and reliable. But how the situation will change at planned increase of crewmembers number up to six in 2009 with corresponding increase of a cargo traffic and intensity of research programs implementation? Whether enough theoretical and experimental data available at microbiologists and engineers to find the adequate response to this challenge? In the paper necessary estimations and forecasts on the matter will be resulted. The conclusion is: keeping onboard stable and controllable microbiological environment for research programs implementation is an obligatory condition of the ISS successful long-duration utilization.
- Abstract document
- Manuscript document