rootbrowseIAC-08C1session 11. Multibody DynamicsPapers1. Shape and Distribution of Rubble-pile Asteroid with Impact2. Parametric Study of the Diversion via a Tether/Ballast System of a Near Earth Object on an Earth Intersecting Trajectory3. small spacecrafts formation using potential functions4. potential field based navigation for planetary rovers using internal states5. Self-learning Control of Space Manipulator Based on Adaptive Fuzzy Compensator Controller6. reactionless capture of a satellite by a two degree-of-freedom manipulator7. Analysis of guidance and control laws for orbiting multibody manipulators8. Development of a High Power Dexterous Hand For Space Robot9. On-Ground Experiment for Rotational Dynamics of Spinning Solar Sail10. Robustness and Performance of Multivariable Techniques for Attitude Control of a Rigid-flexible Satellite11. Neural Network Feed-forward Control of Free-floating Dual-arm Space robot System in Joint Space12. Study of Vision-Based Relative Navigation for Satellites Formation Flying