Activity-Based Simulation of Hypersonic Reusable Launch Vehicle Turnaround Time
- Paper number
- Author
Mr. A.C. Charania, SpaceWorks Commercial, United States
- Coauthor
Mr. Dominic DePasquale, SpaceWorks Engineering, Inc. (SEI), United States
- Coauthor
Dr. John Olds, SpaceWorks Engineering, Inc. (SEI), United States
- Year
- Abstract
Future reusable launch vehicles are considered to have potential benefits compared to expendable systems. These benefits can arise from reductions in turnaround time, recurring operations costs (labor and materials), and life cycle cost. Yet quantifying these operability and affordability effects, in some manner beyond using historical analogies, has proven difficult for the systems analysis community. SpaceWorks Engineering Inc. (SEI) has developed, through research and quantitative modeling, an activity-based simulation to predict various operational metrics for future hypersonic space access and point-to-point reusable launch vehicles. This model is implemented in the discrete-event simulation software Arena, commercially available from Rockwell Automation. A database of various activities associated with turnaround operations has been developed. Inputs for the analysis model include descriptions of the basic vehicle concept of operations, mission models, and performance information. The current model outputs turnaround time. Future versions of the model will output recurring operations cost as well development and acquisition cost. In the early part of the twenty-first century, both the theoretical underpinnings and actual simulation software capabilities are present to create a usable, activity-based systems analysis capability to model reusable launch vehicle operability and affordability.
- Abstract document
- Manuscript document
IAC-08.D2.2.9.pdf (🔒 authorized access only).
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