VSH: Safety as a major driver for design
- Paper number
- Author
Mr. Laurent Gathier, Dassault Aviation, France
- Year
- Abstract
Safety is the major concern of the VSH manned suborbital project studied by Dassault Aviation; real development of suborbital travel and private manned spaceflight require safety. Thanjs to its aeronautical experience, Dassault Aviation has been applying the following strategic choices to maximise the protectionof the passengers against spaceflight hazards: - strenght of construction; - margins in terms of flight envelope; - robustness of flight control system; - Horizontal take-off on a certified transport aircraft; - Upper position allowing various emergency procedures; - Reliable and controllable rocket motor propellant with lox/kero as primary propulsion system; - micro-jet engines to increase trajectory control during the landing phase; - medical checks and training of astronaut candidates; - pressurized suits for the crew ejection seats (depending of maturity.
- Abstract document
- Manuscript document
IAC-08.D5.1.2.pdf (🔒 authorized access only).
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