Academician Glushko - pioneer and creator of soviet rocket engineering
- Paper number
- Author
Mr. Vladimir S. Sudakov, NPO Energomash, Russia
- Coauthor
Dr. Vladimir K. Chvanov, NPO Energomash, Russia
- Year
- Abstract
We are celebrating 100th anniversary of outstanding scientist and designer of space-rocket engineering, founder of Soviet liquid rocket engine development academician Glushko on September 2nd, 2008. In 1929 Glushko is invited to work in Gasdynamic laboratory. Here he heads group of rocket engines. He develops series of liquid rocket engines, conducts tests of first domestic ORM engine in 1930-31. Glushko puts forward number of new ideas in this field. Later he develops ORM-65 engine for Korolev' designs. In 1938 Glushko is arrested. He works as prisoner and develops within war aircraft rocket engines. For successes in development of engines Glushko have ahead of schedule released from imprisonment. Flight tests were conducted on various types of airplanes. In 1945 Glushko is directed to Germany for studying German rocket engines. Glushko in 1948 conducts fire tests of first domestic high-power RD-100 engine, created on basis of A-4 rocket engine. Further development of rocket engine demands new design solutions. New design of brazed-welded combustion chamber is applied in all subsequent development of Energomash. First of all it concerns to RD-107 and RD-108 engines, developed for R-7 rocket. Launches of first satellites and first flight of man into space are conducted by these engines. Engines for missiles are developed in 50th on nitric acid, nitrogen tetroxide with kerosene, UDMH under Glushko' leadership. In beginning of 60th Glushko has passed to practical development of powerful engines under schemes with generator gas afterburning. From 1965 RD-253 engine for "Proton" LV remains as most powerful in world single-chamber engine on storable propellant. In 1974 Glushko have appointed chief of NPO "Energia". Superpowerful RD-170 engine is created for first stage of "Energia" LV. During same period Glushko heads creation of base module of "Mir" station. Creation of «Energia - Buran» space-rocket system is triumph of Glushko' activity. Huge work of Glushko is adequately estimated. IAF has awarded Glushko with international diploma for achievements in field of space-rocket engineering development and he was elected as full member of IAF. Glushko' name is given to crater on visible side of Moon. NPO Energomash is proud carries today name of academician Glushko - founder and long-time chief of company. New engines created by his pupils and followers are best memory of Glushko.
- Abstract document
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