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  • Consequences of Sleep Deprivation on Performance & Mood States

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    Ms. Lisa Anderson-Antle, University of Wisconsin, United States


    Dr. Patricia Cowings, NASA - Ames Research Center, United States


    Mr. Charlie DeRoshia, NASA - Ames Research Center, United States


    Dr. William Toscano, NASA - Ames Research Center, United States


    Dr. Judith Orasanu, Distributed Team Performance Lab, United States



    {\bf Introduction:}  A significant level of vigilance is demanded of an astronaut during space travel.  This study’s purpose is to determine how group performance and team dynamics adapt to continuous sleep deprivation.  A specific aim is to identify which measures may best predict fatigue induced performance and/or mood changes as induced by fatigue.  {\bf Hypothesis:}  Individuals subjected to acute sleep deprivation (36 hours) will show fatigue-induced performance impairments, and deterioration in mood states, relative to their resting baseline levels.  {\bf Methods:} Measurements of cognitive performance/mood states were administered pre/during and post sleep deprivation.  Performance assessment batteries include DELTA, WinSCAT and PVT. Mood state composite calculations were measured in two dimensions: activation and affective.  {\bf Results:}  All mean performance levels, and mean mood states declined during normal sleep times (02:02-20:05 [18hrs] sleep deprivation 6/29) and then rose slightly during normal wake times (08:12-20:05 hrs 6/29). Effects of accumulated sleep loss of $>$24 hrs are evident from 08:12-20:05 on 6/29 and performance levels are lower than corresponding times from the previous days, 6/27 \&& 6/28.  Individual performance composite score percentage change was compared between baseline; Day 1 and sleep deprivation, Days 2 \&& 3.  Then Days 2 \&& 3 was compared with Day 4, post sleep deprivation.  At least five of the seven DELTA sub-tests showed at least a 5\% performance decrement relative to baseline which was statistically significant (p $<$ 0.02) in two of the five subjects.  Self-reported mood states recorded a greater decline in the activation mood dimension. {\bf Conclusions: } Evidence supports that sleep deprivation results in adverse changes in cognitive task performance and deterioration in mood states.
    Abstract document


    Manuscript document

    IAC-09.A1.1.5.pdf (🔒 authorized access only).

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