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  • ExoMars 2016 mission: an overview of the phase C activities progress

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    Mr. Carlo Cassi, Thales Alenia Space Italia, Italy


    Mr. Maurizio Capuano, Thales Alenia Space Italia, Italy


    Mr. Giacinto Gianfiglio, European Space Agency (ESA), The Netherlands


    Mr. Thierry Blancquaert, European Space Agency (ESA), The Netherlands


    Mr. Pierre Yves Renaud, Thales Alenia Space France, France



    The ExoMars Programme foresees a major partnership between ESA and Roscosmos, with some
    cooperation by NASA, to explore Mars and prepare for the Mars Sample Return mission.
    The ExoMars Programme features two missions, one to be launched in January 2016 and one in
    April/May 2018. Hence for the 2016 mission ESA will procure a large Spacecraft Composite
    consisting of a Trace Gas Orbiter (TGO) and an EDL Demonstrator Module (EDM). The Spacecraft
    Composite will be launched in January 2016 (back-up launch in March) by a Proton Launcher, to
    arrive at Mars in mid-October of 2016.
    The 2016 mission industrial activities are now focused on phase C which will culminate in the
    System-CDR planned at the end of the current year 2013.
    The EDM development is on schedule; in particular the EDM SM has been subjected to leak-tests
    in TAS-I to prove the tightness of the aeroshell. Sine and static tests will follow to demonstrate
    capability to withstand the launch and entry mechanical loads.
    The functional qualification campaign has started with SW integration on the EDM ATB.
    Wind Tunnel Test campaign has been completed and the Aero-Thermodynamic Data Base is now
    consolidated. A High Altitude Drop Test, to verify the parachute performances in a high altitude
    environment, is planned in Romania using the ARCA facilities.
    At subsystem level the crushable structure (SENER) development tests have been completed and
    the structure is ready for the final qualification tests planned in the summer.
    The TGO Mechanical Thermal & Propulsion (MTP) and Avionics Electronic and Radiofrequency
    (AER) PDR’s have been completed in the course of the year 2012.
    The phase C analyses campaign has started with the GNC Robustness Analyses.
    The Central Software and Satellite Database (SDB) development has been worked out in staggers
    (from V1 to V4) and the delivery of the CSW V1 is scheduled in July 2013.
    The 2,2 meter High Gain Antenna has entered the detailed analyses phase and its CDR is planned in
    Sept 2013.
    The TGO Harness Manufacturing Review has been held in Jan 2013 and the first of four planned
    batches is scheduled by June 2013.
    At MTP level the final structural, thermal and thermo-elastic analyses will be completed by March
    Testing Activities on Central Tube Structural Model, Propulsion Engineering Verification Model
    and Thermal Engineering Verification Model are planned to be completed in Q2 and Q3 2013. The
    MTP will undergo its CDR in July 2013.
    Abstract document


    Manuscript document

    IAC-13,A3,3A,4,x18219.pdf (🔒 authorized access only).

    To get the manuscript, please contact IAF Secretariat.