rootbrowseIAC-13E2session 44. Educational Pico and Nano SatellitesPapers1. i-INSPIRE II: University of Sydney’s 2nd generation nanosatellite for initial Integrated Nano Spectrograph, Propulsion, Imager and Radiation Explorer2. University design and build AUSROC Liquid Fueled Rocket System3. Design of a Plug and Play Solar Sail Module as the Propulsion System for Nanosatellites4. JUMPSAT: Qualifying three equipments in one Cubesat mission5. Academic prototype of a nanosatellite communications subsystem for hands-on activities by students6. Orbit determination approach for educational satellites using ground station networks7. Design and Development of Structural Sub-system for Twin Nano-satellite “STUDSAT-2”8. Swayam - Passively Stabilized Communication Satellite9. Space experiment ``BMSTU-Sail''10. Design, implementation, and testing of the T-Sat1 nanosatellite at the University of Manitoba. cubesat satellite projects and their impact in space education in developing countries