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  • phrenetic series of parallel amortization of young inspired aerospace leaders: aspects and solutions

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    Ms. Shabnam Yazdani, K. N. Toosi University of Technology, Iran



    To address the issue of aerospace management structure in Iran, one must have adequate knowledge of its organizational structure. It should be noticed that while economical benefits from space activities interest most of countries in this area, the matter of space is still considered as a subject of reputation and capability demonstration in Iran. The latter is indeed a psychological topic that has its significant effects in motivating other related technologies to improve and is considered beyond the capacity of this paper. In this work, dual nature of aerospace in Iran as civil and military usage is addressed and solutions of joining forces to achieve a more efficient industry through universities and research institutes are proposed. Iran has addressed two sides of civil and defensive usage of aerospace individually and yet simultaneously. Formation of Iranian space agency which performs directly under the supervision of presidential council of aerospace is a remark on civil activities in space matters. Kavoshagr and Fargam projects are the project examples of this department. But the invincible military and defensive characteristics of the subject interfere with the projects that ministry of defense defines for institutes. In this aspect, it seems that a united legislation and decision making department is required to review the projects of different subjects and specify all the possible usages a developed technology can provide. For example, the scientific researches on a special space device should have specific end users that would independently support and participate in the process of design, development and construction. On the other hand, the effect of competitive markets on the quality of projects cannot be neglected which requires that each project should be assigned to more than one sector. For the current time and political position of Iran, it seems that the idea of competitive marketing for aerospace achievements is neither fully prepared nor possible because according to latest statistics, parallel project assignments has backfired and amortized the inspiration of young professionals. Regarding to the explicit damage this side effect has brought, Presidential council of aerospace has decided to apply major changes to prevent depreciation.
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