rootbrowseIAC-16A4session 22. SETI 2: SETI and SocietyPapers1. New numerical determination of habitability in the Galaxy: the SETI connection2. Breakthrough Listen – A New Search for Life in the Universe3. A short history of SETI around the world4. Computers for SETI, Kurzweil's Singularity and Evo-SETI5. No-linear dynamics and phase transitions in the population of cosmic civilizations6. Anthropomorphism in the Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence7. Social Media and the SETI Post Detection Declaration of Principles8. UV astronomy from Space: On the ages of exo-worlds9. LEO Satellite for SETI by Universities in an Economical Way10. Dr Bobbie Vaile: A short life dedicated to SETI research and education