rootbrowseIAC-16B2session 66. Advanced Technologies for Space Communications and NavigationPapers1. Outernet: The development of 1U CubeSat platforms to enable low-cost global data provision2. DESIGN AND ANALYSIS OF MULTI-BAND PATCH FRACTAL ARRAY WITH OPTIMIZED FEED NETWORK FOR X BAND APPLICATIONS.3. Interoperating Network Communications Architecture (INCA) ‐ An Evolving Commercial Mission to demonstrate Delay Tolerant Network technologies combined with Quality of Service based routing for space communication systems4. Develop of an adaptive GMSK modulator using SDR techniques implemented in a FPGA.5. Analysis and Modeling of Traffic Characteristics for High-Efficient Scheduling in TDRSS6. Small Satellite Navigation, Rendezvous, and Docking System: Concept Design and Optimization7. New Receiving Ground Station using Active Phased Array Antenna for Satellites8. THE EXPLOITATION OF SPACE SOLUTIONS TO RESPOND TO GLOBAL REQUESTS OF THE DEVELOPING CIVIL SOCIETY: AN OVERVIEW ON THE ITALIAN ACTIVITIES IN THE ARTES ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES AND PRODUCTS FRAMEWORK FOR SATCOM AND NAVIGATION9. Simulation and implementation of cognitive radio algorithms for satellite communications10. Effects of inclinometer error on star sensor position accuracy11. Study of laser diode degradation in a gamma radiation environment for optical communications12. Research on Wide-Band Spectrum Sensing for The Communication Satellite Based on Compressive Sampling13. research on networking communication technology based on small spacecraft14. Federated Vector Tracking For Space Vehicle Navigation in High Earth Orbits