rootbrowseIAC-16B6session 33. Mission Operations, Validation, Simulation and TrainingPapers1. mexican earth station for reception of scientific data from mexican and foreign satellites, tracking, telemetry and command.2. COSMO-SkyMed System Monitoring And Coordination Function (FMCS): new tools and performance parameters3. What Happens Above Thunderstorms: First Operational Concept and Lessons Learned from the THOR Experiment during the Short Duration Mission on-board the International Space Station4. Optimising operational training with ‘MATES’: Multi-Agent Training Environment Simulator5. Practical Assessment of Jitter Caused by Fuel Slosh During Imaging for the RapidEye Satellites6. Ground facility for vision based planetary landing: setup and testing7. exomars 2016 – support to mission preparation and execution8. Science Planning Cycles: Planets versus Comets9. PROTOS: A Power Simulation and Optimization Tool to Predict and Extend the Mission Life of the RapidEye Satellites10. electric orbit raising mission simulator11. Robotic Logistics and Maintenance on the International Space Station and Enabling Dexterous Servicing12. Multimodal Human-computer interaction technologies and validation for the robot astronaut