rootbrowseIAC-16C3session 22. Wireless Power Transmission Technologies, Experiments and DemonstrationsPapers1. Space‐to‐Space Power Beaming - An Evolving Commercial Mission to Unbundle Space Power Systems to Foster Space Applications2. The current status of microwave power transmission for SSPS3. Sidelobe Reduction for GEO to Earth Wireless Power Transfer4. Characterization of RF to DC converters for L-band and S-band power transmission5. Optimal Design of Rectenna Array in MPT System for SSPS6. Sea-based Rectennae for Earth and Titan7. Laser Based Power and Data Transmission Technology Demonstration and Applications On-Board International Space Station8. Concord of Subsystems Parameters of Space Laser Power Transmission Complex9. Enabling Interstellar Travel – The Need for a Diverse Mix of Advanced Energy Concepts: Safe Tracking Laser Power Transmission, Harvesting probes, Future Propulsion Systems and How to Start Today.