space education activities under the framework of the asia-pacific regional space agency forum (aprsaf)
- Paper number
- Coauthor
Ms. Mika Hosobata, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA), Japan
- Year
- Abstract
This paper describes the objectives, ongoing activities and new programs the Space Education Center of JAXA (hereinafter referred to as “the Center”) employs to promote space education within the Asia-Pacific region under the framework of the APRSAF. APRSAF was established in 1993 to enhance space activities in the Asia-Pacific region and currently organizes four working groups. The Center serves as the secretariat of the Space Education Working Group (SEWG). The objectives of the SEWG are: i) Effectively using space education materials to enhance education for young people, ii) Providing education and training opportunities for young people in space science and technology, iii) Helping enhance mutual understanding among countries in the region through exchange opportunities for young people. In order to achieve those objectives, the Center has conducted various space educational programs including water rocket events, poster contests and educator seminars. These programs are successfully expanding and continuously improving. For example, the water rocket event which began in 2005 with 34 students and 10 countries participating, has now expanded to over 70 students coming from 17 countries (a record in 2014). This has also been an outstanding opportunity for students to experience the diversity of cultures. In addition to the existing programs, the Center is also exploring new ways to further enhance space education throughout the Asia-Pacific region. The Center believes reaching a broader range of young people would help achieve its ultimate goal to ignite children’s hearts using space as an effective method. However, current APRSAF programs for the youth are comprised of selected representatives, thus preventing us from reaching out to a broader audience in a specific region. One recent attempt has been to hold an outreach program at the Japanese School in Bali, Indonesia, which is the host country of the APRSAF in 2015. The program consisted of 3 hands-on sessions; making a rocket with a plastic umbrella bag, solar mobile and vacuum experiment. Using common everyday materials, for example, balloons, marshmallows and construction paper was well received by the local students. In this paper, the Center provides its activities with specific examples, methods and feedbacks from participants. The Center is going to continue its efforts to improve and expand space education programs by collaborating with its partners in the APRSAF SEWG.
- Abstract document
- Manuscript document
IAC-16,E1,1,7,x33669.pdf (🔒 authorized access only).
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