The fruits of JAXA Space Education Center -Influences on the Japanese society through Formal Education Support-
- Paper number
- Coauthor
Ms. Ayami Kojima, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA), Japan
- Year
- Abstract
JAXA Space Education Center’s (hereafter called “the Center”) mission is to ignite the passion in children’s hearts. We aim to enrich the spirits of “Curiosity,” “Adventurism” and “Craftsmanship” which we believe all children harbor. We have been introducing the effective use of space subjects and materials since the establishment of the Center. Studying about space should not be limited to STEM but can be applied to all subjects including social studies, music and home economics. We continue to collaborate with more than 100 schools every year throughout Japan based on these principles, and we have seen many positive results through our collaboration classes. One school class conducted a research on space foods upon having a collaboration class with the Center in their home economics class. Students analyzed the various criteria including nutrition and preservability for space foods and proposed ideas for new space food to be implemented in the International Space Station. We have also seen the effects of space education on a personal level, specifically for a young elementary school boy who did not like school, but developed an interest in learning through his exposure with our collaboration class. An activity using plastic umbrella rockets is very popular among kindergarteners and helps them consider the center of gravity of their rockets. From these results, we grow confident that space materials are efficient throughout all fields of study, and it is imperative for us to continue to hold collaboration classes. It is necessary for us to analyze the current issues within the educational field to further improve upon our collaboration classes. We have conducted a questionnaire to over 2,000 teachers who participated in JAXA teacher seminars throughout Japan in 2015. We recognize that teachers are extremely busy, therefore we must develop new methods and materials based upon the results of the questionnaire. We must not be content with the current situation, but study lingering issues to improve upon and create efficient solutions based on the demands of the teachers. The Center commits to collaborate with the educational field by continuing to introduce ideas for space materials. It is our mission to keep collaborating with classes from kindergarten to high school via space education and to develop new methods for teachers. We hope that through our collaborative efforts, the future will be bright for the upcoming generation.
- Abstract document
- Manuscript document
IAC-16,E1,1,4,x33983.pdf (🔒 authorized access only).
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