- Paper number
- Coauthor
Mr. Toshiaki Takemae, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA), Japan
- Year
- Abstract
The implementation of a learning technique using space colonies as a point of inspiration was conducted as part of a comprehensive study during the frst school year held at Shimane Prefectural Matsue Higashi High School. The implementation period extended from June to August, and students from the Shimane University Faculty of Education, as well as JAXA, provided support for learning activities. Taking advantage of the fctitious world of a space colony allowed students to investigate the causes of issues in modern society. The students not only came to grips with applying existing knowledge and experience, but also sought new knowledge and diverse experiences while cultivating an interest in taking part in the planning of society. Space is not recognized as a place or subject that is distant from the everyday, and the usefulness of utilizing space is demonstrated, as it is recognized as interesting yet unusual. Furthermore, although the main impression of the university students who completed these learning activities was that "the learning this time was somewhat vague, where the answer could not be seen. It even took us, the university students, some time before we understood the intent of the learning," the students recognized of space education that "it appears that a consolidation of time must be used, as on this occasion, in order to incorporate this sort of education into current curriculums. This is because the goal of space education such as this is organizing a variety of knowledge." In addition, the students had doubts, stating that "activities were done with the theme of creating ideal societies in space, however ultimately it felt as if we were considering the society we currently live in. Why is there war, strife and poverty, even though everyone considers these to be things that shouldn't exist in an ideal world?" and also stated that "we think there is something that comes into view from an ideal society by watching and fxing the present day."
- Abstract document
- Manuscript document
IAC-16,E1,2,7,x35148.pdf (🔒 authorized access only).
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