Electronic Publishing and Social Networks to reach out distant audiences
- Paper number
- Coauthor
Mr. Mario Arreola, Agencia Espacial Mexicana (AEM), Mexico
- Coauthor
Prof. Carlos Duarte, Agencia Espacial Mexicana (AEM), Mexico
- Coauthor
Mr. Rodrigo Perez, Agencia Espacial Mexicana (AEM), Mexico
- Year
- Abstract
Fighting low budget issues since its beginnings, one of the ideas that arose in the Mexican Space Agency’s Education area was to start an electronic space magazine as a way to reach out distant places of México. Starting march 2013, we used a free tool to begin with, cut and paste images from the internet, and with a little help of our friends wrote a few articles for each issue. It was very basic, but we started learning how to do the thing. Little by little monthly readers started building up, we were very happy when we reached the first hundred. A year later, in 2014 a graphic designer was incorporated which gave us muscle to rebuilt the front page. New sections were worked on, and as a result a more appealing magazine that included video interviews was produced. The past year our 3rd. we learned that a magazine by itself is not enough to capture the public’s attention in these days of e-everything, so we incorporated Social Networks to complement and promote the articles, and happenings around it. March of 2016 was the magazine’s 3rd anniversary, so we would very much like to share with you the way we did it and the numbers we have reached. Although a bit stressful because every issue is a challenge as we are less than a handful, I have to confess that we enjoy doing it. You are more than welcomed to visit: www.haciaelespacio.org
- Abstract document
- Manuscript document