- Paper number
- Author
Prof. Antoni Perez-Poch, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya (UPC BarcelonaTech), Spain
- Coauthor
Dr. Fermín Sánchez, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya (UPC BarcelonaTech), Spain
- Coauthor
Dr. David López, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya (UPC BarcelonaTech), Spain
- Coauthor
Dr. Marc Alier, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya (UPC BarcelonaTech), Spain
- Year
- Abstract
The race to put a person on the Moon motivated and captivated the imagination of USA society and worldwide. This led to an unprecedented investment in science, technology and the space program, which eventually resulted in a successful in Moon landing in 1969. Current estimations state that, for every dollar invested in space technology, there is a return of more than five dollars for the country’s GDP. However, world public opinion does not perceive this investment as a benefit for the society. \par The moonshot was a challenge, an idea, a dream that aligned a whole society towards progress. To change society’s vision about space, our proposal is to promote an outrageously ambitious, exciting and motivating Engineering project. While this project may be very difficult to implement, it can be envisioned, brainstormed, analyzed, and even brought to the attention of policy makers. \par This project would be the design of the greatest Engineering work in space, even greater than the International Space Station (ISS). This endeavor would also help to raise awareness in our society about the Earth’s sustainability. To that end, the project would impulse circular economy, require the development of technologies that in the med-term would reverse climate change. \par We believe that involving students from different backgrounds in this project is fundamental in order to make future generations interested in Aeronautics and Space research. In order to do this, we propose a number of outreach activities at all different teaching levels. We also propose the organization of an international contest for different ages, where student groups would submit innovative proposals to develop different technologies which should be developed for the project. \par In order to raise awareness in our society, the project should generate a debate. The project should consist of the design and construction of a Space Station similar to that of Star Wars’ Death Star, without its weaponry, but taking advantage of the publicity of the revived interest in the Star Wars movies. Its construction would be feasible within a reasonable period of time, and the design would involve international, intercultural and multidisciplinary student teams. \par This paper outlines the principles that justify the viability of this project. It also proposes a communication plan among universities as well as an outreach plan for the public at large. Finally, it defines a strategy to develop sustainable projects and assess the students’ learning outcomes.
- Abstract document
- Manuscript document
IAC-16,E1,IP,18,x32973.pdf (🔒 authorized access only).
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