rootbrowseIAC-16E2session 3-GTS.43-GTS.4. Student Team CompetitionPapers1. A newly developed and launched Android-based PicoSat carrying two FemtoSats2. PALLAS: A Portable Asteroid Lift and Lock Aggregate System3. Project Aquaculture4. UNAM Space in Sample Return Robot Challenge: Creating an exploring rover for NASA5. Thermal System Design and Orbital Analysis of Swayam: an Overview of the Design Principles and Technical Considerations6. Double-Loop Dual-Band VHF/UHF Monopole Antenna for Aleksandr Nanosatellites7. Next EXploration Universal Station (NEXUS)8. Feasibility study for an autonomous Earth-to-Moon transfer and Lunar operations of a 27U nanosatellite9. Alternative Approaches for Remote Sensing: A Stratospheric Balloon Educational Experiment to Analyse Photosynthetic Activity of Plants