rootbrowseIAC-17B3session 6-A5.36-A5.3. Human and Robotic Partnerships in Exploration - Joint session of the Human Spaceflight and Exploration SymposiaPapers1. Project Moonwalk: lessons learnt from testing human robot collaboration scenarios in a lunar and Martian simulation2. DEEP SPACE EXPLORATION ROBOTICS FOR IMPROVED CAPABILITY, UTILIZATION, AND FLEXIBILITY ON A CISLUNAR HABITAT3. pioneering steps towards future human-robotic operations performance4. RESEARCH ON OBJECT DETECTION INSPIRED BY VISUAL PERCEPTUAL BASED ON EVA5. ROBOTIZED COSMONAUTICS6. Human Spaceflight Robotic Medical First Responder7. Characterization of the wheel-terrain interaction for planetary rover wheels8. Experiment research on human-in-loop space teleoperation with multifunctional structure9. Drones with Stereo Vision and Robotic Arms for Assisting Astronauts: A Patent Landscape and Visualization Analysis