rootbrowseIAC-17B3session 9-GTS.29-GTS.2. Human Spaceflight Global Technical SessionPapers9. Phobos Base: concept of operations and architecture for a permanent human presence on the Martian moon Phobos. "ASTRONAUT 2.0”: CONNECTING THE PHYSICAL AND SOCIAL PERCEPTIONS ON HUMAN IDENTITY, FORM AND FUNCTION IN SPACE TO DEFINE THE PARAMETERS OF SPACE FARING INDIVIDUALS. ASI Science on ISS - The 2017 VITA Mission. Review of Significant Incidents and Close Calls in Human Spaceflight from a Human Factors Perspective. UTILIZATION OF THE INTERNATIONAL SPACE STATION FOR CREW AUTONOMOUS SCHEDULING TEST (CAST). What does public thinks about space? The main findings of public's approach to the manned Moon and Mars missions and their implications to human space exploration