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  • session 8-GTS.3
  • 8-GTS.3. Space Communications and Navigation Global Technical Session


    1. How improve tropospheric delay estimation from GNSS Receivers Signal to Noise Ratio

    2. Mathematical Model to Estimate the VENESAT-1 Transponders Anode Voltage Evolution in orbit Operation

    3. Initial on-orbit results of a commercial data-relay

    4. Long-term evolution safety analysis and disposal orbit design method of BDS MEO satellite orbits

    5. Refined computer simulation of loss in quantum-based satellite channel

    6. Using a GPS enabled Body Area Network (BAN) based health tracker, that uses GSM, for mountaineers in Nepal

    7. CubeSats based Global Positioning System for Mars (Martian GPS)

    8. Wide Beamwidth QHA for RS Satellites and Ground Station Applications

    9. Monocular Depth Estimation using Deep Learning for Lunar Landing

    10. Quad stage Risley Prism for fine and coarse control

    11. Target acquisition and tracking of extremely long distance targets using multiple Risley prism systems

    12. Key Challenges in Establishing Laser Space Communication Standards and Recommendations of the SGC Space Technologies Working Group

    13. Novel beam steering applications for drone FSOC using Risley Prisms.