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  • Redundancy for the Knowledge Management.

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    Mr. Federico Perazzo, Argentina



    To address this issue I would like to mention Ikujiro Nonaka who initially said that "in an economy where the only constant is the uncertainty, the only source of safe and durable competitive advantage is knowledge."
    Redundancy is the fundamental principle of the organizational design in japanese technology companies that manage the knowledge: "based on the conscious overlapping of information of the company, in business activities and executive responsibilities".
    The redundancy is important because it stimulates dialogue and frequent communication. And this helps to create a "common cognitive" among employees and thus facilitates the transfer of tacit knowledge. Redundancy also disseminates news and explicit knowledge throughout the Organization so that employees can 
    “internalize” them.
    Free access to the information of the company helps to create redundancy. When there are different stores of information, members of an organization may not interact on equal terms, which hinders the pursuit of different interpretations of the new knowledge. If it is stored in a single integrated database that is open to any employee, regardless of their position or function, any department or group of experts has the responsibility of creating new knowledge in the creative company of knowledge. All personnel is involved: executives and mid-level executives and employees of the first line.
    Another way to create redundancy is through strategic rotation, especially between different areas of technology which they interact each other. The rotation helps employees understand the company from multiple perspectives. This makes the organizational knowledge more "fluid" and easier to implement.
    Now, in one hand, and focused on the space industry, could that internal competition be 
    anti-economic? Why have two or more groups of employees dealing with the same product development project? On the other hand, when responsibilities are shared information proliferates and accelerates the ability of the Organization to create and implement concepts, but how is handled access information avoiding valuable knowledge to leak for the company?
    Abstract document


    Manuscript document
