rootbrowseIAC-19A3session 2B2B. Moon Exploration – Part 2Papers1. First in flight results of the NCLE instrument - A low frequency radio receiver exploring the dark ages in Lunar orbit2. Laser Velocity and Altitude Sensor Technology for Lunar Robotic and Human Landing Systems3. Taiwanese First Moon Exploration Mission4. Canada and New Lunar Exploration5. ispace Modular Lunar Rover Design6. Lunar “Volatile And Mineralogy Mapping Orbiter (VMMO)” Mission7. Development status of CubeSat Moon Lander OMOTENASHI8. A light-weight rover prototype with mechanism to secure reliable actuation for a long-term lunar exploration9. Status of Rover System Study for Japanese Lunar Polar Exploration Mission10. NASA's Solar System Exploration Research Virtual Institute: Merging Science and Exploration on the Moon11. Korea Pathfinder LUunar Orbiter (KPLO): Update on the Collaborative KARI/NASA Mission