rootbrowseIAC-19A6session 33. Impact-Induced Mission Effects and Risk AssessmentsPapers1. Predicting Perforation and Rupture of Composite Overwrapped Pressure Vessels Following an Orbital Debris Particle Impact2. New Technique for Launching Spherical Projectile with Millimeter Scale over 10 Km/S Using Strong Laser-Driven and Some Experiments for Whipple Shields3. Bigger Fragments Bigger Picture – Characterizing DebriSat Fragments4. Examination of the Implications of Larger DebriSat Fragment Characteristics5. Study on the Mechanism of Kinetic Energy Dissipation of Graded Impedance Materials with High Efficiency6. Study of the temperature effects on the shielding performance of a Whipple shield enhanced by Ti-Al-Mg impedance-graded materials7. A simple model for shape effects in HVI8. Examination of satellite collision scenarios spanning low to hypervelocity encounters using semi-empirical models9. numerical evaluation of the influence of pre-arranged fault lines in the fragmentation of satellites subjected to hypervelocity collisions10. How hypervelocity impacts can affect the LISA mission – The MIRAD study11. Assessing Debris Strikes in Spacecraft Telemetry: Development and Comparison of Various Techniques