rootbrowseIAC-19B2session 33. Fixed and Broadcast CommunicationsPapers1. ACM algorithms with performance optimization for Q/V band satellite links2. dual reflector antenna with a circularly polarized reconfigurable reflectarray as subreflector3. L-, X/Ku-, and Ka-band reflective mesh for large deployable reflector subsystems4. A feasibility analysis of small satellite constellations dedicated to serve a country or region with high speed connectivity5. Node 1: a new high performance 5G communications system for nanosatellites6. Launch vehicle optimized for certain LEO/VLEO satellites and constellatons7. Performance of LEO satellite based OFDM Transmission System in a Maritime Environment8. Facsat1 Ground Station performance9. A New High Performance Star Tracker for Spacecraft10. Integration of supplementary payloads into a non-dedicated nanosatellite bus for spectrum analysis on-board SALSAT11. Efficient Power Allocation for Profits Maximization in Digital Channelized SATCOM Systems12. IP link model for industrial satellite communication13. Resource Allocation in NGSO Satellite Constellation Network Constrained by Interference Protection to GEO Satellite Network