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  • Foundation of Polish human spaceflight program in collaboration between government and commercial companies.

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    Mr. Matt Harasymczuk, Poland, Analog Astronaut Training Center


    Dr. Agata Kolodziejczyk, Poland, Astronomia Nova Society, for Science Foundation



    As early as 1978, first Polish cosmonaut Miroslaw Hermaszewski took part in the human spaceflight as a member of the USSR space program. Nowadays, 40 years later, there are favorable conditions for organizing a flight focused on space research, useful for the inhabitants of our countries, developing Polish space research facilities, freeing the energy of young people in the process of co-creating new horizons and strengthening the security of Poland in a significant way.
    Poland does not have technical capabilities achieve these goals, so it is understandable that we are asking commercial companies and other nations to help in creating foundations of human spaceflight program.
    In 2018, Poland celebrated the 100th anniversary of regaining independence. This was an amazing opportunity to start working on creating HSF program foundations.
    This talk summarizes what we've done in {\bf astronauta.pl} initiative.
    Abstract document


    Manuscript document
