HAPS Observatory In Stratosphere
- Paper number
- Author
Mr. Jiri Pavlik, Czech Republic
- Coauthor
Mr. Marek Novák, Czech Republic, Charles University
- Coauthor
Mr. Jan Snížek, Czech Republic
- Coauthor
Mr. Richard Hynek, Czech Republic
- Year
- Abstract
This is a follow-up to IAC2017 "Astronomy observatory in Stratosphere" presentation and will present the continuous effort and achievements of developing our HAPS. During last year, we have expanded the portfolio of possible uses of our HAPS from astronomy to telecommunication, research and other areas. A breadboard was developed and successfully tested all key technologies - namely our novel 3D printed and scalable vacuum balloon structure, power subsystem and feedback-controlled pressure regulation based on two barometric sensors, with one of them being powered wirelessly from the outside of the balloon, without requirement of hermetic cable feedthroughs. The main advantage over existing solutions is that unlike gas-filled balloons, the buyoancy is generated using electricity and not by a limited gas supply. Thus, it should allow for use over extended periods of time. We will describe the opportunity ESA Aeolus gives to us as a data source for position control of our HAPS. Next year, we plan to perform a maiden flight of the platform.
- Abstract document
- Manuscript document
IAC-19,B5,1,11,x54581.pdf (🔒 authorized access only).
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