rootbrowseIAC-19B5session 33. Satellite Commercial ApplicationsPapers1. KEYNOTE: ThermCERT - A Signature Commercial Space Application to Tackle Fuel-Poverty in the United Kingdom2. Best practices for the launch management of commercial nanosatellites3. An Evaluation of the Chinese Private Satellite Sector4. STRIVING – In-Orbit Validation As A Service5. Evaluation of Business Opportunities Generated by Deployment of LEO Mega-Constellations6. Space for all: How to connect Space and Society raising awareness on satellite applications for societal needs7. Exploring New Frontiers in Applications by Leveraging Partnerships with Commercial and Non-Governmental Organizations8. Socio-economic benefits of space activities in the Asia-Pacific and African region in the 21st century : A case study based on Earth observation satellites9. The THEOS-2 Small Satellite and Technology Transfer Program