rootbrowseIAC-19D5session 44. Cyber-security threats to space missions and countermeasures to address themPapers1. Breaking the Golden Chain of Transparency: Crosslinks between cyber threat and blockchain within space and gold industries2. Software Anti-Satellite Capabilities: Developing Software Tools to Counter Nefarious and Rogue State Spacecraft3. New Internet satellite constellations to increase cyber risk in ill prepared industries4. Comparison of Software based vs. Hardware Accelerated AES-128 Encryption Algorithm for Secure Communication with Nanosatellites5. Behavior Computation to Validate Aerospace Software Cyber Security: A Knowledge Management Process6. Hybrid artificial intelligence as a defence against cyber-interference of military satellites7. Cybersecurity for space as part of Security Policy in Europe8. Security-compliant cyber measures for satellite systems9. Cyber Protection Best Practices For Small Satellites10. What space missions can learn from cyber-security breaches and counter-measures in the Telecommunications industry11. using optical communication to enhance data Security. A holistic approach to space cyber-security