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  • A new concept to 94GHz/238GHz dual-frequency space-borne cloud profiling radar

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    Mr. Ping WANG, China, Shanghai Academy of Spaceflight Technology (SAST), China Aerospace and Technology Corporation (CASC)



    Clouds are very complex, ubiquitous components of our atmosphere, the amounts and properties of which are extremely variable and can have a large effect on our understanding of changes in the climate system. Characterizing cloud processes in climate models requires very high accurate estimates of Ice Water Content (IWC), Liquid Water Content(LWC), and Doppler velocity information on vertical air motion, convective up-and-down et al. Currently, there is deficiency in our ability to probe clouds, especially boundary layer clouds, cirrus, the accuracy retrieval of microphysical parameters still need to be improved, and the height-dependent Doppler velocity of clouds requires to be supplied. As such, current cloud profiling radar and passive cloud remote sensing are extremely challenging. This paper describes a space-borne 94GHz/238GHz dual-frequency radar concept to probe clouds especially cirrus, and provide Doppler velocity of clouds. Calculations show that 94GHz/238GHz dual-frequency cloud profiling radar is suitable for space-borne. The capabilities of this radar reflectivity have been analyzed, and it is shown that 94GHz/238GHZ is a good chose for cloud remote sensing, and also can be used to probe boundary layer clouds and cirrus which are very important to the earth's radiation budget and to measure vertical Doppler velocity of clouds target Furthermore, this radar can improve the accuracy of retrieval of cloud microphysical parameters.
    Abstract document


    Manuscript document
