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  • The path towards the future of the new Old Space industry

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    Ms. Michal Jashinski, Israel, Israel Aerospace Industries Ltd.



    New Space presence around the space industry has been growing rapidly over the last years. New and quick work methodologies are taking over the space industry and changing the foundation stones of the traditional "old space" companies. These changes leave the traditional industry with no choice, but embracing new practices. This paper addresses the question of how can the industry evolve while maintaining its own relative advantages, thus creating a new path, the "new old space".
    On one hand, the traditional industry is one of the major engines of the new space companies. It has the infrastructure which includes the facilities, programs and finances in order to support the design and manufacturing process. However, the traditional industries have old methodologies, which raises barriers between the two entities. Moreover, the traditional space companies are usually subjected to complicated bureaucracy which create difficulties with agility, costs and time schedules the new space industry is aspiring to. 
    On the other hand, the traditional industries understand the need for change, and are making an attempt in adapting new methods in order of keep up with this ever changing world. These attempts include reaching out for new goals, engaging and investing in new ideas and speeding up internal methodologies, design, manufacture and operations processes for the sake of remaining competitive.
    The Israeli Aerospace Industries (IAI) can be an example for a traditional industry which put its foothold in this new game. Weather its new innovative space programs such as the cooperation with SpaceIL in the Beresheet project, the first private funded Moon lander, and the cooperation with Effective Space Solutions (ESS) on developing life extensions for GEO satellites; or the recent announcement about opening its gates for companies to use its facilities for their own purposes. 
    The ongoing change in IAI is a glance to the wider process the entire space industry is going through.  If the traditional industry would adopt these changes, will we still have New Space and Old Space? This paper will review the path towards the future of the new Old Space industry.
    Abstract document


    Manuscript document
