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  • A research approach in extracurricular activities in space and astronomy

    Paper number



    Mr. Ivo Jokin, Bulgaria, Municipal Educenter



    One of the main goals of non-formal education, implemented through various forms and in particular in extracurricular activities, is to enrich the knowledge, skills and competences of children and students. The increased requirements for the educational process imply the need for effective, up-to-date approaches for the active involvement of students in learning and practical application.
    The Inquiry Based Science Learning provides very good opportunities for extracurricular activities in the fields of astronomy and space. It empowers students to develop the key competences, critical thinking skills, and skills needed to build a holistic, systematic, and complete picture of phenomena and processes in nature in the modern and globalizing world.
    The report presents many years of experience, observations and results of the extracurricular activities carried out at the Municipal Center for Extracurricular Activities, specialized astronomy camps, projects, developed and used resources, methodological aids and materials: models, modular programs.
    Abstract document


    Manuscript document
