rootbrowseIAC-20E7session 11. IISL Young Scholars session and Dr. Jasentuliyana Keynote lecture by a leading space law expertPapers1. KEYNOTE: A New Format for Space Law?4. Arbitration of Space-related Disputes: Case Trends and Analyses5. Protecting the Dark skies of the Earth from Satellite Constellations under International Space Law6. barriers to launch: understanding how regulation impacts the growth of suborbital flight7. In-orbit Servers: Does the Outer Space Treaty have space?8. artificial intelligence and machine learning: the new era of the use of force9. Utilization of Natural Resources in Outer Space: Compliance of a National Law on Exploration and Use of Space Resources with the Principles of International Space Law10. Essential And Critical Elements of An Effective Space Traffic Management System11. Foreseeing the Regulation of Space Infrastructure Charges: Four Basic Principles as A Lesson from the Airport Sector13. European Satcom Licensing: Current Status and Reform Efforts14. Commercial Space Mining: National Legislation vs. International Space Law15. Space Heritage: International legal aspects of its protection16. Space tourism and space law: approach based on the law applicable to astronauts