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  • case study: the uae approach towards regulating space resources utilization

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    Mrs. Sumaya Al Hajeri, United Arab Emirates, United Arab Emirates Space Agency


    Mr. Naser Alrashedi, United Arab Emirates, UAE Space Agency



    Space Resources Utilization (SRU) has been a controversial issue by the global community during the past decade due to various uncertainties in legal interpretations of the Outer Space Treaty and other international space treaties. This has been seen as an obstacle to technological developments in this area, especially the ones carried out by commercial sector and start-ups. 
    Recently, several states has realized the missed economic opportunity of growth in SRU, in which a number of commercial entities were currently inadequate but likely to take off when the market conditions change and demand re-affirms itself. Hence, quite a few SRU initiatives have been on the global and national levels. Moreover, the matter is being brought up to the international level through the Committee of the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (COPUOS).
    This paper discusses the case study of the UAE and its approach towards an innovative, flexible and future proof framework of reference on SRU regulations and policies. The study equally showcases how the UAE SRU approach is aligned with the Outer Space Treaty, The Hague Building Blocks and other SRU national laws in place. It also identifies the different building blocks of the SRU legislation as a result of this benchmark. Within the compliance of the international obligations set by the international space laws, the aforementioned SRU Building Blocks provide the necessary legal certainty required by investors of SRU commercial sector.
    Abstract document


    Manuscript document
