rootbrowseIAC-20E7session 77. Space Law in a Networked WorldPapers2. Does the end justify the means? A legal study on the role and consequences of normative plurality in international space governance3. Implications of State Authorization and Continuing Supervision to Contemporary Space Activities4. Whose fault is it? - Artificial Intelligence and liability in international space law5. Two Inhibitors to a Thriving Economy in Outer Space: Regulatory Uncertainty and Taxation Entanglement6. Nudging for Space7. Back to the Future: Space Law in a Networked World8. CYA: A Legal Perspective on How to do Cybersecurity in Space9. New Space Law Created to Enable Space Innovation While Preserving the RF Environment in Space; Notable Outcomes of the ITU’s 2019 World Radio Conference11. EU Integrated Approach to Space and Telecommunication Areas12. International regulatory and licensing schemes for telecommunication satellites in low-earth orbit to mitigate anti-competitive behaviour and manage natural monopolies13. Commercial Operators and Artificial Intelligence in Space: For an Alternative Jurisdiction Attribution Model and Revised Liability Regime in Space14. The international orders in the fourth territory: the influence of new opportunities in outer space on governance systems and Space Law- Impacts on SDG2030