rootbrowseIAC-22E3session 11. International cooperation in using space for sustainable development: The “Space2030” agendaPapers1. "Space2030” Agenda: Space Economy’s challenges and SDGs' opportunities to tackle present and future global efforts2. Mapping the use of space data in development research3. Space for the Sustainable Development Goals: Why space? Why now? And what next?4. Saving Our Future on Earth Through Our Presence in Space - Recommendations from the Young Generations on the Role of Space for Climate Action5. Opportunities and challenges for achieving 'Space2030': insights from the field of global Earth observation systems6. Space for green economy, cooperation and sustainability8. Emerging trends on satellite-based applications in healthcare: a synoptic view9. The importance of UN SDGs and ESG adoption within Business in the space sector10. In search of the European way for space: Reconciling cooperation and independence in the implementation of the Space Agenda 2030