rootbrowseIAC-23A6session 55. Post Mission Disposal and Space Debris Removal 1 - SEMPapers2. COSMIC (UK ADR) - Towards the Removal of 2 UK-Owned Defunct Satellites3. Low-Cost Mission to De-orbit a Spent Stage of a Rocket using 250-kg Spacecraft Platform4. Mission Plan of STARS-X micro satellite for demonstration of space tether technology for debris capture5. A Novel Adaptive Capture Device and Control Method for Space Debris6. A Non-singular fixed-time compliance control of space robot with SDBD capturing debris operation7. Analysis of the solutions proposed for the multi-target ADR mission optimization problem8. LiDAR-Based Navigation Strategies for a Non-Cooperative Target Considering Rendezvous Trajectory9. 3D reconstruction of a space debris from in situ inspection exploiting CubeSats10. e. INSPECTOR: multi-spectral imaging the VESPA debris in preparation to active removal