rootbrowseIAC-23A7session 33. Technology Needs for Future Missions, Systems, and InstrumentsPapers1. Advancing cryogenic systems for the next generation of astrophysics discoveries3. Black Hole Target Observation Manager - a new tool for automatic time-domain astronomy4. Magneto-telluric low-frequency sounding of the lunar subsurface structure (≤1-10 MHz) - methodological and experimental possibilities for determining the threshold (noise) characteristics for long-wave radio astronomy on the lunar surface5. Required Technologies for a mission of a gamma ray observation by formation flying spacecraft in SEL2 halo orbit: FF-LAGRAN6. Qualification of 3D printed polymeric structure in HEPD-02 instrument7. a feasibility assessment for a low-cost flight and space simulator8. Design and development of a metamorphic space telescope based on a 6U CubeSat for astronomical observations9. CCD photometr with 5 band for 235-mm telescope of baku state university