rootbrowseIAC-23B4session 9-GTS.59-GTS.5. Small Satellite Missions Global Technical SessionPapers1. Testing Standard for Lean Satellite Constellations3. The Growth of the CubeSat industry in the Arabian Gulf4. Four Months to Orbit: Fast-Tracking CubeSat Development for Reliability Through In-Orbit-Demonstrations5. BIRDS-X Satellite Project “Dragonfly".6. Satellites reflectance and brightness testing facility for reducing spacecraft constellations light pollution7. ESA YPSat: A Young Professionals-Led Experimental Spacecraft for the Inaugural Flight of Ariane 68. APP4AD, the Advanced Payload data Processing for Autonomy & Decision agent for future EO and planetary exploration missions10. Development of a high-energy astrophysics payload with polarimetric capabilities for cubesats.11. STRATEGIC AUTONOMOUS APPROACHES TO EFFICIENTLY UTILIZE CISLUNAR SPACE FOR MOON TO MARS TRANSIT12. vesper: multi-small satellite mission architecture for venus exploration