rootbrowseIAC-23symposium C4C4. IAF SPACE PROPULSION SYMPOSIUMSessions1. Liquid Propulsion (1)10-C3.5. Joint Session on Nuclear Power and Propulsion Systems, and Propellantless Propulsion2. Liquid Propulsion (2)3. Solid and Hybrid Propulsion (1)4. Solid and Hybrid Propulsion (2)5. Electric Propulsion (1)6. Electric Propulsion (2)7. Hypersonic Air-breathing and Combined Cycle Propulsion, and Hypersonic Vehicle8-B4.5A. Joint Session between IAA and IAF for Small Satellite Propulsion Systems9. Disruptive Propulsion Concepts for Enabling New MissionsIP. Interactive Presentations - IAF SPACE PROPULSION SYMPOSIUMIPB. Interactive Presentations - IAF SPACE PROPULSION SYMPOSIUMLBA. Late Breaking Abstracts (LBA)