rootbrowseIAC-23E1session 11. Ignition - Primary Space EducationPapers1. Ramon kindergarten Xplore; Igniting the inner spark2. Space as a tool for inspiration: an innovative approach3. The Space Education as a tool to broad young students perspectives in Brazil4. Domi Inter Astra (DIA): A children’s book to empower the next generation in STEAM exploration and pursuit5. Space Camp: Spark Interest in STEM Through Space Education6. How cognitive functions play a vital role among children, consequently aiding catalysis in order to implement, and execute space education at the primary school level curriculum7. Da Vinci Satellite – Roll of the Dice8. Improving STEAM Education with Daily Earth Imaging9. Astro Party - an inspiring national event for children10. iLEAD’s DreamUp to Space and Cumberland County Schools’ STARward STEM: How two school systems engaged K12 students in ISS payload competitions