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  • Possibilities of Space Education in Russian Schools

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    Dr. Andrei Sadovski, Space Research Institute (IKI), RAS, Russian Federation



    We present the experience and methods of space education based on th efforts of the Moscow government program ``Academic (science and technology) class in a Moscow school'' in Space Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IKI). 
    The program was about preparing schoolchildren for scientific work, i.e., selecting children capable of doing research projects, and representatives of the scientific institutes insisted on researches. IKI worked with several schools, with absolutely different levels, and from the very beginning we observed the advantages and disadvantages of such work. Moreover such program begins to develop in different cities and space education here has many advantages.
    Particular attention will be paid to the successes achieved, as well as to the problems and obstacles encountered. In particular, the following problems will be highlighted.
    Abstract document


    Manuscript document
