rootbrowseIAC-23symposium E3E3. 36th IAA SYMPOSIUM ON SPACE POLICY, REGULATIONS AND ECONOMICSSessions1. International cooperation in using space for sustainable development: The “Space2030” agenda2. The future of space exploration and innovation3. Space Economy Session – A focus on in-space operations and their potential to stimulate economic development4. Assuring a Safe, Secure and Sustainable Environment for Space Activities5-E7.6. 37th IAA/IISL Scientific Legal Roundtable: "Space Launch from Celestial Bodies: Technology, Law and Policy"6. Cost and Procurement impacts on Space Programmes linked to high inflation and world-wide scarcity of components and materialsIP. Interactive Presentations - 36th IAA SYMPOSIUM ON SPACE POLICY, REGULATIONS AND ECONOMICSIPB. Interactive Presentations - 36th IAA SYMPOSIUM ON SPACE POLICY, REGULATIONS AND ECONOMICSLBA. Late Breaking Abstracts (LBA)