rootbrowseIAC-23E6session 44. Strategic Risk Management for Successful Space & Defence ProgrammesPapers1. Insurance model in space industry2. Technology, Safety and the Customer Foremost: Overcoming Insurance and Regulation Risks in NewSpace Ventures5. How are Space Economy trends reshaping the risk landscape of the space industry? A taxonomy and framework6. Educational and informative initiatives for the decision makers, new newcomer VC found and Business Angles, as the key factor to avoid the “space hype bubble”. The case study of Space Entrepreneurship Institute7. Matrix-based risk management framework for financing of space assets in start-ups and developing space sectors8. Examination of the Landscape for Space Startups from Emerging Space Economies and Its Implications on Sustainable Uses of Outer Space9. SPACE-GOV: Mitigating Compounded Risks in Times of Geopolitical Flux – A Case Study on ExoMars & Virgin Orbit