The relations of social innovation in the entrepreneurship of the space industry: the case of Mexico
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- Author
Dr. Talía Santana, Mexico
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- Abstract
During the last decade, the space industry in Mexico has been undergoing an incipient yet growing development process, considering the satellite sector as a possible alternate route for national economic growth and as a tool to achieve Sustainable Development Goals. Scientific and technological knowledge in the space sector is constantly evolving and has an increasingly profound impact on the economy and society. In this context, the aim of this article is to present new ideas and solutions that the space industry can offer to address social and environmental challenges, focusing on the study of opportunities for social innovation and entrepreneurship that can help tackle some of the biggest social and environmental challenges of our time. To carry out this analysis, different concepts of social entrepreneurship and innovation were compared, consulting international multilateral organizations, universities, and specialized researchers in the space industry and sustainable development. In addition, a social network analysis was used to identify current barriers in the ecosystem of the space industry related to entrepreneurship and social innovation, focusing on the identification of exponential solutions based on Earth Observation for the management of water resources. The results of this study show the impact that these solutions can have on human health, the economy, and the environment. The potential of space technology to address social and environmental challenges, such as natural disaster management, agricultural improvement, and combating climate change, is highlighted. In conclusion, the space industry in Mexico has the opportunity to evolve significantly with the use and exploitation of Earth observation satellite data in terms of social and environmental impact, generating benefits beyond the economic sphere. The study of social entrepreneurship and innovation in the space industry can provide indications of innovative solutions to social and environmental challenges, which can improve the quality of life of populations and contribute to sustainable development.
- Abstract document
- Manuscript document