rootbrowseIAC-23E7session 33. Legal Issues Relating to Emerging Space Activities on Celestial BodiesPapers2. Discussing the need for a responsible exploitation of space resources in view of the establishment of permanent human settlements on celestial bodies: implications for international law3. States in Space? Extraterrestrial Exercise of Jurisdiction and its Future Scenarios5. IS THERE A PRINCIPLE OF SCIENTIFIC PRIMACY IN OUTER SPACE LAW?6. Legal Status of Crewed Lunar Station Activities: Further Considerations on Non-appropriation and Jurisdiction Issues on the Moon7. Should the ITU Have a Role in Governing Telecommunications Relating to Activities on Celestial Bodies When the Transmissions Lack a Terrestrial Nexus?8. Space settlements, AI, and “fault” in the liability framework for deep space exploration.9. Personal and Real Property Rights on Celestial Bodies10. Norwegian Petroleum Governance: A Potential Inspiration for Space Resource Governance?11. Current Status of Japan's Active Development of Space Laws and Systems for Legal Compliance in the Age of Celestial Exploration12. China’s plan for an International Lunar Research Station : a path towards multilateralism or the beginning of the end?