Technical programme
GLEX-2025 — Global Space Exploration Conference
1. International Cooperation, Challenges, and New Horizons
This Track will address Technical and Operational Coordination in joint international missions; Sharing of Scientific Mission Data; challenges including funding changes, policy shifts and space diplomacy as well as opportunities ranging from scientific discovery to economic growth.
1.1. International Cooperation, Challenges, and New Horizons - Session 1
This Track will address Technical and Operational Coordination in joint international missions; Sharing of Scientific Mission Data; challenges including funding changes, policy shifts and space diplomacy as well as opportunities ranging from scientific discovery to economic growth.
1.2. International Cooperation, Challenges, and New Horizons - Session 2
This Track will address Technical and Operational Coordination in joint international missions; Sharing of Scientific Mission Data; challenges including funding changes, policy shifts and space diplomacy as well as opportunities ranging from scientific discovery to economic growth.
1.IP. International Cooperation, Challenges, and New Horizons - IP Session
INTERACTIVE PRESENTATIONS - This Track will address Technical and Operational Coordination in joint international missions; Sharing of Scientific Mission Data; challenges including funding changes, policy shifts and space diplomacy as well as opportunities ranging from scientific discovery to economic growth.