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    Next Generation of Climate Services / Business Models and Cooperation for Missions, Data and Services




    Next Generation of Climate services - covers commercial, public, international, and hybrid services to address everything from emissions regulation, energy efficiency, infrastructure planning, disaster mitigation and response, and climate change adaptation. Business Models and Cooperation for Missions, Data and Services covers how to fund and support missions and services including cooperation across international, public / private, and NGO sectors to address the needs for climate change environmental intelligence.

    IPC members
    • Chairman: Mr. Cristian Bank, EUMETSAT, Germany;

    • Co-Chair: Mr. Damien Kuhn, France;

    • Coordinator: Mr. Gunter Schreier, Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. (DLR), Germany;

    • Rapporteur: Prof.Dr. John Moores, Canadian Space Agency, Canada;

    • Support: Dr. Brent Smith, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), United States;