session 8.-E7.7
Joint IAF/IISL Session on Policy and Law of Human Space Missions
- type
- Description
This session hosts papers on topics related to the political and legal aspects of international collaboration in future human space missions and programmes such as the ISS lifetime extension, post ISS activities in LEO or Lunar Exploration. The session provides a forum to discuss the current regulatory framework and implementation of such programmes during their development and operation phases. In addition, papers may address the effects of extending the duration and partnership of the ISS programme, as well as the lessons learned from past collaborative programmes such as Interkosmos or the Shuttle-Spacelab.
- Date
- Time
- Room
- IPC members
Chairman: Mr. Cristian Bank, EUMETSAT, Germany;
Chairman: Prof. Lesley Jane Smith, Leuphana University of Lüneburg/Weber-Steinhaus & Smith, Germany;